“Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences we had, and what we learned from others, and less to do with life that we live” So be mature...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Eccentric + Bizarre

Rase macam dah berkurun aku tak update blog ni. Macam takde mood je aku lately. Perasaan aku tak membara mcm dulu. Aku dah macam tengkorak hidup yang berjalan jer. takde perasaan kot. aku lebih senyap especially waktu time bekerja. Urgh... Eccentric + bizarre = that what my feeling is right now.

Mana tak nye kalau kite bekerja ngan org yg tak bercakap ngan kita. Aku paham semuanya personal n to be professional, we must avoid all personal matter... but its really hard to do all this. Its about feeling... work is work, but how to do work if the feeling is not well.

Bagi aku, aku dah takde perasaan marah, benci ataupun dendam lagi. Hati aku dah tenang coz aku dah mintak maaf and bla3. Aku ikhlas dan aku tak suke nak simpan lame2. Terpulanglah...

p/s: Pikiran becelaru... rindu kat Ibu sgt2


  1. patot laa lame x update..
    ceria2 kan idop abg k..
    sbb ramai yg syg kat abg..
    dah nk cuti daa..
    nnti jumpe gak ibu kan..

  2. yep
    lagi 2 minggi jer
    nak balik s alam utk 7 minggu
